Books You Should Read And Why

News & Blog In an ideal world orthodontic books would also all be airway health books. But, sadly, we don’t live in an ideal world. I’ve said for years that […]

Why Early Orthodontic Intervention Matters

News & Blog Early orthodontics, early treatment, and early intervention are common terms that have been floated around in the orthodontic profession in my career. Many traditional orthodontists suggest it […]

Events You Should Attend And Why

Attending industry events expands knowledge, fosters networking, and showcases advancements in orthodontics and health. Gain insights, connect with experts, and stay ahead in transforming patient care.

People You Should See Speak and Why

Engaging speakers on orthodontics, health, and wellness inspire audiences by sharing expertise, addressing challenges, and offering actionable insights to foster better health and quality of life.

Airway problems disguised as ADD, ADHD and/or fatigue

Airway problems like sleep-disordered breathing can mimic ADD/ADHD symptoms, causing fatigue, inattention, and behavioral issues. Identifying and treating these conditions improves overall health and cognitive function.

Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional Therapy involves exercises to train facial and oropharyngeal muscles, promoting proper rest oral posture and 100% nasal breathing.