In an ideal world orthodontic books would also all be airway health books. But, sadly, we don’t live in an ideal world. I’ve said for years that the ultimate goal of all orthodontic treatment should be to optimize airway health instead of lining teeth up and making them fit like gears. Articles I’ve written and lectures I’ve given haven’t moved the needle nearly as much as I would have liked.
In the ideal world of my imagination the best dental books, dental education books, and orthodontic guides don’t really discuss teeth! They discuss airway, poor rest oral posture, the causes of facial imbalance and reduced airways, the chronic disease epidemic in our world, and how our lifestyles in all industrialized societies contribute to these issues. The future of dentistry will be very bright when dental knowledge focuses on addressing the causes of poor facial balance, malocclusion, tooth decay, airway dysfunction, and the systemic connection of oral problems to the entire body.
Here is a short list of books I think should be required reading for every dentist, particularly anyone wanting to treat causes rather than chasing solutions in the dental version of whack-a-mole. Many of these books are also very readable for the general public with an interest in health. Please notice that not one mentions teeth or even dentistry or orthodontics in the title.